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One afternoon of picking daylily blooms results in the plethora of colors and types!

One afternoon of picking daylily blooms results in the plethora of colors and types!




daylily (Hemerocallis) seedpods vary in shape and size. There seems to be some distinguishing characteristics in the seedpods of various species. H. citrina types frequently have more elongated pod shape.





H. citrina grows well in the spring and seems quite tolerant of frosts

H. flava Major, a supposed variant of H. flava is an extremely good grow with tight light green foliage. H. flava Major seems to tolerate frost very well.



H. hakuensis, suffers some tip damage in the spring do to frost but recovers and blooms fine.
H. sempervirens is only marginally hardy in this climate does not do well. It has a spreading habit much like H . fulva is no where near as vigorous.


This picture is from a 2011 Korean catalog. The plants look to Hem lilioasphedelus. There is a Campanula blooming along with the Hemerocallis which is when one expect it to bloom. This photo was taken at ImageTakamine-kohgen Plateau in the Gunma prefecture. Which appears to be in Japan?


Dont think daylilies grow in the tropics? Look at this picture of a mass of Hemerocallis growing in a park in Brazil. It looks to be some cultivar as it doesn’t look like any known species.



There are a number of daylily farms in Taiwan. The flowers and possibly the buds are harvested for food. Hualien County i Taiwan is well known for its large daylily fields.

Liushidan Mountain(Sixty Stone Mountain) is located to the east of Zhutian Village, Fuli Township, in Hualien County. It is situated at an elevation of around 800 meters above sea level, in the Coastal Mountain Range. There is a daylily field of 300 hectares in size, and along with Chihke Mountain, this is regarded as one of Hualien County’s two large daylily cultivation areas.

from the Taiwan government’s tourism site
 Taiwan government tourist link to Hualien county Liushidan Mountain
Flickr has many photo albums that document these farms
FloraTang’s album really demonstrates the amazing expanse of daylily blooms
Flora Tang’s Flickr account

Buddy8d’s photostream on Sixty Stone Mountain in Taiwan

Buddy8d’s Flickr account




H fulva blog: Typical flower characteristics compared.

A colony of Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, (syn. Hemerocallis flava, Lemon Day-lily Lemon Lily, Yellow Day-lily) is a plant of the genus Hemerocallis. It is found across China" and is one of the first daylilies used for breeding.[Hem. lilioasphodelus in wikipedia] Taglilienfeld St. Stephan (Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus), Rehling